Gaston County PAWS Community Partners Grant
Gaston County Piedmont Area Wildlife Stewards (Gaston County PAWS) has established the Gaston County PAWS Community Partners Grant to provide resources for area schools, scout troops, and other civic organizations to help fund projects that are aligned with the goals and aspirations of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, as well as Gaston County PAWS.
The North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF), one of North Carolina’s most effective organizations dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats, has more than 60 years of experience, in bringing together the concerns of every North Carolinian who love wildlife, wild places and the many ways to enjoy them. Their work is science-based, consensus focused, and dedicated to engaging government, industry and the public to insure the future of North Carolina’s wildlife resources.
Their mission is to be the leading advocate for all North Carolina wildlife and its habitat with the overall goals:
- To advocate the conservation and enhancement of all wildlife and its habitat.
- To advocate ethical and biologically sound hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities.
- To advocate education, for children and adults, that increases public awareness of wildlife, its
dependence on habitat, and the importance of both to human existence.
To include in the Grant Application (Form link is available at bottom of page)
- Submit a brief description of the project:
- Project scope including a description with expected timeline and specifically how this project
supports the stated goals of NCWF; - Brief budget, including how the funds will be used;
- Other resources currently procured for project, Primary contact including an adult sponsor;
- Plans for sustainability of project.
Grants will be awarded based on availability of funds, and the approval of the Gaston County PAWS Community Partners Grant committee. Grant funding is dependent on the applicant’s budget request, not to exceed $500/year. Once the project has been completed, or on an annual basis for projects that warrant ongoing funding, a final report is required. This report, along with pictures of the projects, should detail the effectiveness of the project, and its contribution to the community and area wildlife. Grant recipients agree and understand the nature and results of any sponsored project may be published on the NCWF and PAWS websites. As such any photos submitted become the property of PAWS and will not be compensated for.
Piedmont Area Wildlife Stewards (PAWS)
The North Carolina Wildlife Federation
2015 Chapter of the Year
Mailing Address:
Gaston County PAWS
1687 Robinson Road
Gastonia, NC 28056